
Financial tips and money-saving advice from USU Credit Union

Summer Home Improvements

July 20, 2016

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With its longer days and warmer weather, summer is a great time to work on home improvements that benefit you and your family all year long. Updates can beautify your home, clean it up, and can save you money in the long run.

o Replace Blinds: Blinds can be broken or damaged by pets, children, and accidents around the house. Replacing or repairing broken blinds acts as a facelift for the whole room.
o Update your Deck: It is recommended wooden decks be cleaned and re-stained every year, and summer is a great time to do that. You will also be able to replace broken or rotting boards to maintain your deck and keep it nice for years. Sealing your deck can help it withstand cold winter months. After all, having a nice deck can considerably affect the value of your home.
o Pressure Wash your Home: Renting a pressure washer is a quick and affordable way to beautify your home. Pressure washers rent for $50-$100 per day, and help get off built-up dirt and grime as well as mildew and mold, which can be damaging to your home in the long run.

o Clean your Gutters: Gutters are great for keeping water out of your house, but they can be a nightmare if they get clogged. Backed -up water can cause leaks into your house, which could mean water damage. Clogged gutters can also be home to rodents, mold, and bees, to name a few. It’s not glamorous, but cleaning out your gutters regularly could save you thousands in the long run.
o Clean or Replace your Air Filters: Cleaning your air filters has many benefits, not the least of which is helping your system run more efficiently. We all enjoy air conditioning in the summer, and clean filters helps air flow through the system more efficiently, saving you money on your energy bill. Cleaning your filters also helps reduce allergens in the air you breathe.
o Clean your Carpets: Vacuuming once a week doesn’t always cut it for cleaning the carpet. Having your carpets professionally cleaned once a year offers many benefits for both you and your home. It can help prevent mold growth, improve indoor air quality by removing all dust and allergens, and prolong the life of your carpet. It may also help fulfill any warranty that may exist on the carpet.

Invest and Save:
o Window Repair/Replacement: Repairing or replacing your windows can be a great investment as it can help reduce heating and cooling costs by not letting air leak out. They can also increase the value of your home.
o Check your Roof: If you need to make repairs on your roof, summer is a great time to do it. Making sure your roof is sound and ready to weather winter storms can save you significant money over time.
o Reinsulate your Home: New, more efficient insulation will help your house stay cooler in the summer, and warmer in the winter, without cranking your heating or cooling systems to the max.
o Go Solar: Installing solar energy systems can be a great option for this sunny climate in Utah. It can drastically decrease, or even eliminate, your energy bill, while adding value to your home. You can also get a nice tax credit to off-set the costs. If this option appeals to you, visit our website to learn more about our Energy-Efficient Home Equity Line of Credit.

For any of these projects, you can check out our Home Equity Line of Credit, which is a convenient and cost-effective way to finance your home improvement.


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